

Welcoming year 2011
Sat Jan 01 2011 - Mel
Unlike in the Philippines where the new year is welcomed literally with a bang using (firecrackers), (toy trumpets), and almost anything that creates noise, new year is greeted silently and peacefully in Japan.  This striking difference is perhaps a reflection of the contrast between the cheerfulness of Filipinos and the silent nature of the Japanese people.

And the winner is ...
Wed Jul 01 2009 - Mel
Last Sunday, members of our Church in Tokyo held a bowling tournament . I don't know what happened but I got the highest score! Yay! I think I just got lucky. Anyway, it was fun and I took home the first prize - a free trip for two to Europe. Hehehe. Just kidding, the prize was a state-of-the-art electric fan. Cool!!!

So they are no longer two, but one.
Tue Jan 15 2008 - melcerg
We've decided to merge our personal websites into one. Same with our previous personal blogs, we hope to achieve the ff. through this site: