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Applications for 2011 Japanese Government (Monbusho) Scholarship

Mon May 24 2010 - Mel

Did you know that for more than 54 years the Japanese Government through its Ministry of Education (Monbusho) has been sponsoring foreign students, including Filipinos, to study in Japan? 

Hundreds of Filipinos, including this author, have been sent to Japan for the past several years to study under the following six different scholarship programs.

  • Teacher Training Scholarship
  • Japanese Studies Scholarship
  • Undergraduate (Scholarship)
  • Research Scholarship (may lead to a Master's degree or a Ph.D.)
  • Professional Training School (Senshu-Gakko) Scholarship
  • College of Technology Scholarship

If you are interested, you have to act now because the deadline of applications for batch 2011 is on May 28, 2010 (Friday).  For more information, please visit or call the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines, or read their press release.

If you would like to know about the advantages of studying in Japan, please read this article that I wrote for Firipin.net.